My Body My Kitchen

Meal Prep – Grits, Curried Chicken & Swiss Chard

Would you make this meal? What would you change? This was the meal I put together with the coconut grits, curried chicken and garlic swiss chard. You will thoroughly enjoy every single bite of this meal. 

Check out the list below for links to the recipes and nutrition information per serving.

Garlic Swiss Chard: 73 Cals, 5g Fat, 7g Carbs, 3g Fiber, 3g Protein
Curried Chicken: 219 Cals, 10g Fat, 4g Carbs, 1g Dietary Fiber, 28g Protein
Coconut Grits: 288 Cals, 15g Fat, 34g Carbs, 1g Dietary Fiber, 4g Protein
Meal Total: 580 Cals, 30g Fat, 45g Carbs, 8g Fiber, 35g Protain